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商品名稱: Dolphin SoC GDS v6.2.0 LINUX x64
商品分類: Linux系統專用軟體
商品類型: 混合信號兼顧多層次模擬軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: LINUX (以官方網站為準)
更新日期: 2008-08-10
binary)或數字(十進位 decimal)。多層次指的是SMASH並沒有被限制在某些
modeling level上, 即SMASH能處理晶體管層次、閘階層次、功能層次、行為層次並與來
自於模擬與邏輯的子電路加以混合模擬。 意味著SMASH可用在任何層次上的設計作一些精
確的電路修正,這表示你將能輕易處理任何複雜性的電路。 另外SMASH有強大的多語言功
能, 能與SPICE、Verilog-HDL、 VHDL、ABCD(C-language)與VHDL-AMS相容,可以將模擬
區塊以SPICE語法描述與數字區塊以Verilog-HDL語法或 VHDL語法描述的設計作多層次混
合信號模擬。SMASH能快速地模擬驗證所設計的混合信號晶片, 非常適合用來解決混合信
號晶片設計問題, 以提供高效能的混合信號晶片設計模擬驗證環境, 減化複雜電路模擬
At 90 nanometers and below, it is no longer
possible to separate design from
manufacturing, and as fabrication
technologies get smaller and die sizes
increase designers are faced with ever
larger GDSII files. From quick and easy
layout viewing to final insertions of test
structures before mask generation, via
advanced integration of Virtual Components
through socketization and patent pending
eMicroscope technology for Virtual Test,
SoC GDS integrates productivity enhancing
functionalities needed throughout the
design creation and validation chains.
Through dedicated options, SoC GDS will fit
the needs of ViC suppliers, SoC integrators
and process/product engineers. It is also
the ideal solution to complete quality
procedures for acceptance of GDSII or
OpenAccess databases as needed by chip
finishing teams, mask shops or silicon
foundries. Running under Solaris, HP-UX,
Linux and Windows, SoC GDS delivers the
same unbeatable performance across all your
development and delivery platforms.