商品名稱: Sharc Harpoon v4.4e
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 最佳的CAE運算法軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2011-10-21
check crack\install.txt
Harpoon is the ideal tool for delivering high quality
meshes of even the most complex geometry. Fast and
flexible, Harpoon?s powerful geometry and mesh controls are
driven through a simple and logical graphical user
interface (GUI). Crucially, Sharc?s experience in the
mathematics of meshes ensure that the elements created will
meet the needs of even the most demanding solvers.
Harpoon is a fully automatic body-fitted hex-dominant
mesher. The automatic generation of volume meshes and/or
surface meshes removes the need for time-consuming surface
mesh generation and grid density specification.
Unlike other meshers, Harpoon does not rely on
non-standard, nasty cut cells, but moves nodes of hexas
(hexahedral elements) to maintain the grid's hex-dominant
structure and high quality cells. This results in meshes
with improved solution convergence.
Harpoon has direct interfaces for geometry exported from
CATIA, Pro/E, IDEAS and many other commercial CAD packages.
Harpoon provides export facilities for meshes for most
major CFD/FEA codes such as Fluent, Star-CD, CFX5, Nastran
and LS-Dyna. Click here for full list of supported import
and export formats.
Mesh refinement for specific grid regions e.g. wakes, is
easily specified in the GUI should the user require more
control over the mesh density.
Using state-of-the-art spatial algorithms and
pseudo-integer calculations, Harpoon delivers high quality
meshes at unrivalled speeds.
Turn-around times from CAD to CFD solutions can now be
reduced by orders of magnitude for large complex geometry
compared with other meshing tools and methods.
Harpoon does not require any mesh density specification to
be provided. Instead, Harpoon automatically calculates the
mesh density required to capture all geometric details
larger than a given tolerance.
With a combination of the automatic feature extraction and
an intuitive GUI, the user can generate volume and/or
surface meshes in just three mouse clicks.
Harpoon automatically checks the generated mesh for
inconsistencies and proceeds to repair any cells of
undesirable quality. This routine requires no input from
the user and is integral to the whole meshing process.
